Monday, May 23, 2011

El Cerrito Enclave Planning Commission Hearing

A Planning Commission hearing for the El Cerrito Enclave project is scheduled for Thursday June 2. The proposal is to demolish an existing house at 5402 Gilbert Drive, subdivide the parcel into 4 lots, and build 4 new houses.

City of San Diego, Planning Commission
Public Hearing, including the El Cerrito Enclave project #72057
Thursday, June 2
City Administration Building, 12th Floor, Council Chambers
202 C Street

Select the following link to read the
Planning Commission Notice of Public Hearing

You can comment on this project by writing to

The City of San Diego Planning Commission
1222 First Ave, 4th floor
San Diego, CA 92101
Or email
Subject: El Cerrito Enclave Project #72057

You can contact your City Council Member about this project by writing to

Marti Emerald
7th District City Council Member
City Administration Building
202 C Street, MS #10A
San Diego, CA 92101
Or email
Subject: El Cerrito Enclave Project #72057

For more information about this project,
select the following links for the
November 13, 2010 El Cerrito Enclave Posting
August 22, 2010 El Cerrito Enclave Posting

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Chollas Triangle Master Plan

The Chollas Triangle Master Plan will provide specific land use and mobility recommendations and guidance to encourage the development of a mixed-use transit-oriented village supported by park, open space, and creek enhancements within the approximately 36-acre Chollas Triangle site at 54th Street, Chollas Parkway, and University Avenue. The Master Plan process will cover a multitude of topics including land use, mobility, urban design, economic feasibility, and implementation.

Community Input for the Master Plan comes from Community Workshops and a Working Group, including ECCC Board members, Jan Riley, Carl Luster, and Jim Westheimer. Both the Workshops and Working Group sessions are open to broad community participation.

Select the following link for an aerial photo of the
Chollas Triangle Site

University Avenue Mobility Study

With funds from the Crossroads Redevelopment Area, the City of San Diego is developing new plans for University Avenue. The University Avenue Mobility Study will develop a comprehensive plan to improve all modes of transportation in the University Avenue Corridor. The goal of the study is to identify short-mid and long term projects that will improve pedestrian access, bicycle facilities and accessibility, transit operations and facilities and traffic flow in the corridor. The study area for the project extends along the length of University Avenue from 54th Street to 69th Street.

Community input for the Mobility Study comes from a from a series of Community Workshops and from a Working Group, including ECCC Board member, Carl Luster. For more information about community involvement, follow the link for the “University Avenue Mobility Plan 54th to 68th Street” in the Transportation Studies list on the City’s Engineering and Capital Projects home page at

Select the following links to view the revised meeting schedule, minutes, and other documents for the University Avenue Mobility Study: