Tuesday, March 16, 2010

ECCC March Community Meeting

Neighborhood Meeting
Blessed Sacrament Church
Parish Hall
El Cajon Boulevard at El Cerrito Drive

7:00pm to 8:30pm

Board of Directors Elections
Chili Cook-Off
Special Guest: 7th District Council Member Marti Emerald

To read the Meeting Agenda select the following link:
March 18 Meeting Agenda

El Cerrito Community Newsletter, March 2010

  • Chili Cook-Off Contest
  • It's Election Time at the ECCC
  • This Year with the El Cerrito Community Council
  • February's Community Meeting Featured El Cerrito's Master Gardeners
  • ECCC Board Adopts Standing Rules
  • Traffic Signals on College Avenue Move Toward Final Approval
  • Update El Cerrito Neighborhood Patrol
  • Sewer And Water Upgrades
  • Requesting Information on Sidewalks That Need Repair
  • Homeowners May Qualify for Free Inspection/Installation of Security Devices
  • Explore SDSU during SDSU Month
To Read the March newlletter, select the following link:
El Cerrito Community Newsletter, March 2010

To view Advertisements for local businesses, select the following links:
First Page of Local Business Ads
Second Page of Local Business Ads

Saturday, March 6, 2010

ECCC Amends Bylaws and Adopts Standing Rules

In accordance with the amended Bylaws approved at the January Community meeting, the ECCC Board of Directors adopted a set of Standing Rules at its meeting on March 4. The Standing Rules implement the Bylaws with policies and procedures to guide the month to month operation of the ECCC, its Board of Directors, and Standing Committees. Provisions of the Standing Rules include the order of business for Board meetings, financial policies, community participation, political forums, membership lists, the newsletter, and committees.

At its January 21 meeting, the ECCC amended its bylaws through a vote of the active membership. The Bylaws were last amended in June 2007, and these amendments bring them into line with current practice. The main differences with the 2007 version are changing the notification requirements for decision items from two weeks to one week, establishing a process for creating standing committees, and requiring the Board of Directors to adopt standing rules.

Select the following link to read the
Amended Bylaws.

Select the following link to read the
Proposed Standing Rules.