If you are anywhere near the Crawford football field on Saturdays through December, you know this is the Pop Warner football season. With full schedules of games, there's more noise, traffic, and parking congestion around the field, but the games are a good experience for the children who participate, their families and the community as a whole. The league playing on Crawford's field is the Center City Bolts Pop Warner Football and Cheer, for children from ages 5 to 15.
The ECCC Board of Directors would like to support youth sports in our community by collecting contributions for a donation to the league in the name of the El Cerrito Community Council.
The ECCC Goal
A donation at the Team Starter level of $150 to $249
Suggested Contributions
$10 to $25 Per Person
Mail Checks To
El Cerrito Community Council
P.O. Box 151268
San Diego CA 92175-1268
Donate Online With PayPal
Select the "Donate" button at the bottom of the right-hand column on this web page. Be sure to type "Youth Football" in the box for special instructions.
The ECCC made a similar donation to the Chollas Lake Little League in the spring, and in addition to the thanks we received, the community of El Cerrito was mentioned in the league program. A Team Starter donation to the Center City Bolts will help promote community identity with a league playing in El Cerrito. The ECCC will receive mention on the league website and a link to the ECCC web page.
Learn more about the Center City Bolts Pop Warner Football and Cheer
on their website at http://www.eteamz.com/centrecitybolts3/
Select the following link to read the
Center City Bolts Proposal
Crime Statistics 2010 to 2011 are available!
13 years ago