Saturday, June 25, 2011

Redistricting Plans Developed

Based on results of the 2010 Census, district lines are being redrawn for City, County, and State representatives. In the College and Eastern areas of San Diego, districts and representation could change significantly. For the City of San Diego and State of California, independent commissions will draw district lines. For San Diego County, the Board of Supervisors will make the final decision.

At its June 16 community meeting, the ECCC approved a letter to the City of San Diego Redistricting Commission. The letter emphasizes the shared interests of communities in the College Area and Eastern Area planning districts, and it calls for including these planning districts in the same City Council district. Submit your own comments and recommendations to the City of San Diego Redistricting Commission at

Select the following link to read the
ECCC Letter to the City of San Diego Redistricting Commission

Visit the City of San Diego Redistricting Commission website at

Visit the County of San Diego Redistricting Committee website at

Visit the California Citizens Redistricting Commission website at

Thursday, June 9, 2011

ECCC Community Meeting - Thur June 16, 7:00pm

The June 16 ECCC Community Meeting will have a full agenda, with 2 informational presentations and 3 items for a vote of active members. (Blessed Sacrament Parish Hall, 7:00pm)

City Council District 7 staffers will explain a proposal to Reorganize the San Diego Redevelopment Agency, and a representative from Norgthgate Gonzalez Market will speak about opening a new grocery store at 54th Street and University Avenue.

Select the following link to read about the
San Diego Redevelopment Reorganization Proposal

Select the following link to learn more about
Northgate Gonzalez Markets

  • Input to the City of San Diego Redistricting Commission
  • Request for SDSU's Continued Support of the College Patrol Car
  • Designation of ECCC Voter for Crossroads Redevelopment PAC Election
Proposed Input on City Council Redistricting
The agenda for the June 16 ECCC meeting includes a community vote on a letter to the City of San Diego Redistricting Commission. The ECCC Board has prepared a draft letter proposing input for drawing new City Council District boundaries. This letter emphasizes the shared interests of communities in the College Area and Eastern Area Planning Groups and it calls for including the College and Eastern planning areas in the same Council district.

Select the following link to read the
Proposed ECCC Letter to the City Council Redistricting Commission

Select the following link to learn more about the
City of San Diego Redistricting Commission

Funding For the College Car – Letter to SDSU
At its Board meeting on June 2, 2011, it was agreed the members of the ECCC would be asked at the June ECCC meeting to support the College Area Community Council’s letter of May 11, 2011, to San Diego State University concerning the funding of the “party car.”

Select the following link to read the
Proposed ECCC Letter Supporting the College Patrol Car

ECCC Voter for the Crossroads Redevelopment PAC Election
The Crossroads Redevelopment Project Area Committee (PAC) will hold elections for committee members at its June 23 meeting. There is not an ECCC candidate for the PAC, but the ECCC is eligible to designate a voter for the Community Organization Representative. Designating a voter will be on the agenda for the June 16, 2011, ECCC meeting.

Select the following link to learn more about
Crossroads Redevelopment and the PAC Election

Police Division Realignment

At an April 18 meeting, Mid-City Division Captain Lawrence McKinney informed community leaders that the SDPD is making substantial realignment of its divisions, and beginning September 1, 2011, the College Area is being transferred to the Eastern Division.

As a result, El Cerrito will be served by two different divisions. Neighborhoods south of El Cajon Boulevard will remain in the Mid-City Division, with headquarters on Landis Street in City Heights, but residential neighborhoods north of the Boulevard will now be in the Eastern Division, with headquarters on Aero Drive in Kearny Mesa. Commercial lots north of El Cajon Boulevard will remain in the Mid_City Division.

Select the following link to view the
New Mid-City Division Boundaries

Select the Following link to view the
Current SDPD Division Boundaries

Select the following link to view the
New Division Boundary North of El Cajon Blvd.

ECCC Newsletter, June 2011

  • ECCC Meeting - Thursday, June 16, 2011: Reorganizing the San Diego Redevelopment Agency
  • Northgate Gonzalez Market
  • Newsletter Donations - Your help Is Needed
  • El Cerrito Enclave Project 72057
  • New Community Relations Officer - North of El Cajon Boulevard
  • Mid-City Division Police Realignment
  • Funding for the College Car - Letter to SDSU
  • Need a Roof Repair Or Replacement?
  • Planning For University Avenue: Community Input Sought
  • Crossroads Redevelopment PAC Elections: Voter Selection at the June 16 ECCC Meeting
  • ECCC Board Proposes Input on City Council Redistricting - Vote Set for June 16 Community Meeting
  • El Cerrito Neighborhood Patrol Updates
  • Extract from Lt. Chuck Kaye's Weekly Report
  • Top 10 Tips for Avoiding Garage Related Break-ins
Select the following link to read the
June 2011 ECCC Newsletter