Residents attending the January 21 ECCC meeting expressed their interest in having a Trader Joe’s market at the College Grove Shopping Center. For many years, residents of El Cerrito have included Trader Joe’s as one of the businesses they would like to have in the College Area. Based on this continuing interest, the ECCC Board of Directors is sending a letter to the Trader Joe’s Corporation, recommending a Trader Joe’s at College Grove. With this letter, the ECCC Board adds its support to the same recommendation made by the Redwood Village Community Council.
Ron Roberts, member of the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, has also written the Trader Joe's Corporation, suggesting the College Grove Shopping Center as a location. Anyone can recommend a location for a Trader Joe's market on the Trader Joe's website at
Select the following link to view the
ECCC Trader Joe’s Letter.
Select the following link to view the
Ron Roberts Trader Joe's Letter.